Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Special blessing

Last night I received a special blessing from the senior dog in the house, Blue. I will remember it for a long time to come.

Blue came to us in 2004. He is a mixed breed and we have never determined his exact breed(s), but it really doesn't matter. My son has always considered Blue his own special guardian angel, as he arrived just about a month before the kids' dad announced he was leaving. Blue saw "his boy" through the trauma of those early days, the angst of teenage years and, in August 2011, sent him off to college. Blue has always shied away from hugs or too much emotion, except from his boy. That made it even more special last night when he appeared at my bedroom door, asking permission to get on the bed as I was reading.

Once there, he sighed and lay down. He reminded me each time my hand still from petting him, a light paw on my arm. His breathing softened and evened out and, wonder of wonders, he fell asleep on my bed. This is almost unheard of, as Blue is more comfortable in his own room (my son's) or at his spot in front of the dining room window. As I read and listened to his soft breath, I also relaxed and felt the tightness of the day leave my chest.

Always ready for a treat and
counting the days until "his boy" is home for the holidays.
Thank you, Blue, for the gifts you give us each and every day.

I snapped this photo at the city lake on my way to school this morning. The mist was thick on parts of the lake; this little inlet is a spot we loved to explore as children. It's peacefulness reminded me of the serenity Blue gave me last night.

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