Saturday, November 16, 2013


I seem to have a lot to write this week! I hope it will make up for the times I average my "normal" three posts a week.

A week of changes and realization of so many changes to come. Happy, sad, regretful, contemplative. It is what keeps each of us moving along the road, isn't it?

A beep and simulated roll of thunder woke me this morning. I read the message: "It may begin raining in 28 minutes in your location." I admit, I ignored it and burrowed a little closer to my pillow, knowing all the time there would be 12 muddy paws as penance.

Before too much longer, paws were wiped and coffee was brewing. The sun peaked from behind the clouds and, even though rain is promised today and the wind is blowing, the temperatures aren't bad for mid-November.

In an hour I will attend the memorial service of a woman I have known for most of my life. She is the mother of someone I graduated with from high school. For a while, they lived next door to us growing up. She and her husband (he's been gone for a few years now) were friends of my parents. In recent years, he had an office in the same building as my dad and they shared coffee and stories each morning. She was a school library media specialist, lived down the street from the kids and me until health concerns took her to Florida to live with her older son a little over a year ago. According to my daughter, her deep dish apple pie is the absolute best thing EVER.

And so this morning I drew deep breaths of renewal from those who offer their lessons freely and abundantly - the dogs who live at Dragonfly, our home.

Here is a bit of Saturday morning at our home (and, by the way, we are anxiously waiting for our son, brother, friend to come for a visit this afternoon. We will celebrate his new path in life and shed a few tears that he will soon leave us for a semester on the east coast of Florida).

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