Wednesday, October 30, 2013

(Nearly) Wordless Wednesday

Autumn in Oklahoma often means temperature extremes and wild weather. But, for a brief moment, the beauty just outside our door is breathtaking. Blue, Carson and Marley celebrate that beauty today.
The asters are in bloom, both back and front.

Four new calves have been born in the last few weeks.
Rosie, the lone red cow, is quite the talker!
Native plantings in the back yard.
More natives.
A neighbor's tree.

Leaf close-up.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Geez, it's been a while ...

That whole "forming a habit" thing hasn't been working so well for me recently. Seems like the days fly by and I am certainly not taking the time to slow down and appreciate what is. As a friend posted recently, it is time to stop worrying so much about making a living and think about making a life. Hmm.

One of my teachers (Carson this time) gave me another reminder recently. I came home, fed the pups, took her out and did a few chores. When I returned to bring her in, she was frantic, displaying behavior I haven't seen in a very long time - jumping, head butting, nipping at my hands. Her message was clear: I am here and you obviously are not. Get with the program, mom!

With these graphic reminders firmly in place, I humbly return to what matters most: the lessons. As such, I will begin posting three times each week, beginning tomorrow, October 30. Welcome back, me. :)