Thursday, April 11, 2013

Hurray! We're back!

It's been a long, long time - overwhelmed with yearbook deadlines and poorly designed pages, I'm afraid. And, while some of those deadlines continue (what WAS I thinking when I decided to do a supplement this year?!), it is time to get back to what restores my soul, and that is spending time with dogs, writing about dogs and sharing our whacky experiences with others.

When I logged on, I noticed something about being nominated for a blog award for bloggers with less than 200 followers. I don't know much about it, but am going to investigate it further, make sure it's legit, all that kind of thing. And then I will let you know. Could be exciting!

So much has happened in the time we have been silent. Life never stands still, does it? I wanted to share but, as a friend of mine sagely noted, the longer one doesn't write, the easier it is to let blogging opportunities slip by. It's time to end that vicious cycle, don't you think?

One small bit of news to share: Miss Carson seems has been dependable enough to sleep in the "big girl bed" the last three nights. In a row. That's a big deal for her, to be calm and obedient enough to settle down and sleep for the night. I have noticed she doesn't move around nearly as much curled up next to me as she does when she is in her crate. I wonder why? It's a good thing, as every time she moves in her crate, I hear it. I am still conscious of her moving around on the bed, but it's soft and doesn't make noise, so not nearly as disturbing to sleep. There's no way to know how long this trend will continue but, for now, I'm thrilled to share sleeping space with her.

Stay tuned and thanks for sticking with us here.


  1. ok woman, you and me both, we need to do more blogging!

  2. I was thinking of you when I wrote that! :)
